The Power of appreciation in Marriages and Relationships - Sommy Increase' Blog

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Tuesday, 26 December 2017


The Power of appreciation in Marriages and Relationships

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Check every marriage that seems to be blissful, every marriage that looks like they were made in heaven before it ever happened on earth, you will see a couple who genuinely appreciate each other’s efforts and inputs in the marriage. When you appreciate your spouse, you awake something within them, you active the desire to do more. Be thankful for all your spouse is doing, yes! He not bought a car for you yet, but appreciate him for putting food on the table. Yes! he has not taken you to Dubai for vacation yet, appreciate him for his faithful and commitment to providing, protecting and leading his family toward God.

Late Zig Ziglar once said. “The healthiest of all human emotions is gratitude” show some gratitude and say thank you to your spouse always. We are living the generation the bible describes as unthankful, but let that not be you. I was reading an article yesterday from they wrote on this very extensively. If you were served food, after eating say thank you, though you provided the money. A taxi driver drops you at your destination say thank you etc.

If you check or ask questions about couples who had divorce, you will find out that they were most times unthankful and unappreciative to the efforts of their spouse. When efforts are not appreciated, it leads to agitation, agitation leads to frustration which leads to serious irreconcilable issues in marriages. Divorce does not just happen, they are a result of piled up resentments and anger and when it gets to the brim, separation becomes inevitable. Call or send sms to your partner today and just tell him/her THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR OUR FAMILY. It works magic.

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