'Christmas isn't a Christian ceremony, it's origin has pagan roots' - Sommy Increase' Blog - Sommy Increase' Blog

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Tuesday, 26 December 2017


'Christmas isn't a Christian ceremony, it's origin has pagan roots' - Sommy Increase' Blog

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It began from a pagan holiday called Saturnalia. Saturnalia is the Saturn's calendar. In Roman times, Saturn is a god. The god of agriculture, known as the agricultural deity. The celebration of the god Saturn is featured from the Saturnalia calendar.
The Saturnalia ceremony is a seven days holiday of lawlessness, celebrated from 17th through 23th/25th December in worship of Saturn, also known as Satan. This worship requires Human sacrifice, naked trill, rape, feasting, gambling, exchanging gifts. and intoxication. The Greeks celebrated theirs as the Kornia festival. This ceremony predates Christianity. According to the law of Roman Empire, during this holiday, there were no punishment for breaking any law. It was a week of lawlessness.
In 45 BCE, Julius Caesar established a new calendar and assigned Dec 25 as the winter Solstice to celebrate Christ's mass along with the Saturnalia holiday, hoping to bring Christianity to the pagan Romans. Although Saturnalia ceremony is against Christian principles, the Roman Catholic leaders agreed and ordained the last day of Saturnalia to be the birthday of Jesus, thus designating all the pagan holidays that celebrates the birth of the gods of light to become Dec 25. Thereby making the following gods of light which include; Horus, Apollo, Osiris, Mythras, Atis, Jesus, etc. to be celebrated as born on the solstice.
Subsequently, emperor Aurelian in the year 274 CE, established Dec 25 a state holiday of SolInvictus known as the unconquered sun.Thus bringing Christmas today, a worldwide celebrated holiday.

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