Happy marriages don't come by accident, they're results of the both parties agreeing to make it as happy as they want it to be. One party can't do it alone, it requires the joint effort of the couple else it will be as boring as can be. Below are a few steps to having a good and happy marriage.
1. Domestic:
Agree on how many nights you'll cook each week. Plan ahead to make
things easier. Go out or pick something up the remaining nights.
Talk about which chores you both love and hate. Try to work it out
so neither of you is consistently doing a chore you despise.
If you have kids, decide who's responsible for them at different
times of day so the other one of you can get some things done.
Decide who will balance the checkbook and pay
the bills.
2. Communication
Don't feel the need to "win" arguments. Hear each other
out and try to understand what the other is feeling.
Go to bed angry. Sometimes you need time to think about things,
and you can't do that when you're too tired or emotional.
Agree not to use "you" statements or make accusations.
Try starting sentences with "I feel..."
Don't interrupt. Try hearing each other out
and finding solutions to your problems rather than just shouting over one
3. Physical
a) Agree on how many nights you want to have sex each week. Schedule it until it becomes a natural habit.
Talk about what each other likes to gain a better understanding of
how to please one another.
Keep things interesting by
trying new things and introducing new ideas in the bedroom.
Don't use your bedroom for doing laundry or
watching TV. Reserve it for sex and sleeping.
4. Social

Learn to appreciate each other's hobbies and interests. Share them
if you can. If not, allow each other plenty of time for the things you enjoy.
Work hard at your friendship just as you would with someone who
wasn't your spouse.
Maintain your other friendships as well. Don't rely solely on each
other's company for your social well-being.
Don't lose your own identity. Make sure you can always stand on
your own two feet and aren't co-dependent on your spouse.
5. Lifestyle

Decide on the quality of life you want to live and build your
world around that.
Set a budget and stick to it. Agree not to let money be a source
of tension between you.
If you're unhappy with your lifestyle, make sure you're willing to
make the necessary adjustments to change it.
Don't be so ambitious or busy that you allow stress to rule your
life and destroy your marriage.
6. Each Other

Love each other for who you are and who you married. Don't try to
change each other.
Learn how to forgive and do it often. Once you've forgiven,
forget. Don't hold grudges.
Actively work each day at loving each other. Remember that you
promised to do it forever.
Commit to meeting each other's needs and putting them before your
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