I think Hard Work is when i do beyond the
average. Hard Work will always make me stand out, because it speeds up my
achievements and makes every effort worth it at the end. It’s not luck, but
it’s more work. It’s not stress, but commitment. It’s not hard, but smart. You
can’t be hitting a cold silver metal and expect to get real silver from it. I
believe if your work is not smart, then it’s hard, and when it’s hard it’s
stressful. Because it’ll make you end up working like a bull and eat like an
hard means exceeding expectations. If you're
expected to hand in a report per semester, but you instead hand in 5 stellar
reports, that's working hard.
Working hard means persisting when others would've given up. A fat guy I knew didn't have time to go jogging, so he got up at 6 am every day and got his workout done anyway. He's not fat anymore.
Working hard means to accept failure as a temporary status. It's told that Edison tried 999 combinations of filaments for his light bulbs. They all failed but at the 1000th try, the light bulb was invented.
Working hard means ignoring naysayers. No one expected Marconi to achieve wireless communication over an entire ocean. He was challenged by his peers, yet eventually See if you can hear anything, Mr. Kemp!
Working hard means enduring through unpleasant times. Most of the path to success is paved with hardship and frustrations. Pain, even. As Muhammed Ali put it,Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion.
Working hard means persisting when others would've given up. A fat guy I knew didn't have time to go jogging, so he got up at 6 am every day and got his workout done anyway. He's not fat anymore.
Working hard means to accept failure as a temporary status. It's told that Edison tried 999 combinations of filaments for his light bulbs. They all failed but at the 1000th try, the light bulb was invented.
Working hard means ignoring naysayers. No one expected Marconi to achieve wireless communication over an entire ocean. He was challenged by his peers, yet eventually See if you can hear anything, Mr. Kemp!
Working hard means enduring through unpleasant times. Most of the path to success is paved with hardship and frustrations. Pain, even. As Muhammed Ali put it,Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion.
Working hard is also working smart. To me, being
productive is a by-product of working hard. You should work hard to understand
how you can increase your work output in any given hour. There are lots of
answers on Quora that teach you the basics of personal productivity.
Most of all,
Working hard is also loving what you're doing.
When one "works hard" they have put
time, thought and energy into what they were doing. It didn't come naturally,
which would be saying this task was time consuming. It took effort, one has to
spend time considering options, and evaluating which one would be best, making
a plan and then working the plan and seeing the plan to completion.
Working hard means that you are focused on the
project and giving it your all. You know it's your best because you are
doing everything you know how to do to make it right.
*Note - Your 'best' becomes more and more as you grow and learn. Your best at 20 should be less than your best at 30. Eventually, hopefully not until old age, we peak.
*Note - Your 'best' becomes more and more as you grow and learn. Your best at 20 should be less than your best at 30. Eventually, hopefully not until old age, we peak.
First off, there is no such a thing as luck. I mean, there is, but we create that circumstances, sooner
or later. You only find luck in the gambling games, ending that luck brought
you and your loved ones in misery (if you involve deep in gambling.)
About life, I think working hard means to throw away everyday obstacles that drag us from the vision and focus on one thing and one goal. Most people define working hard as "no free time", but we should work smart, not always hard, ending up without scent of energy in us, living through days with cloudy brain.
Also, the focus is really sharp when we work hard, clearing our way on the thing we are working on, creating "luck" as circumstance followed by the amount of work we put in.
The best comes with time. Some get it sooner, some get it later, but everyone who puts enough effort DOES get it. So don't dare to let it go when you know it's the real thing for you, and we always DO know that. Failing, finding another way, making mistakes are part of the success. Just do your thing until you get the flow.
About life, I think working hard means to throw away everyday obstacles that drag us from the vision and focus on one thing and one goal. Most people define working hard as "no free time", but we should work smart, not always hard, ending up without scent of energy in us, living through days with cloudy brain.
Also, the focus is really sharp when we work hard, clearing our way on the thing we are working on, creating "luck" as circumstance followed by the amount of work we put in.
The best comes with time. Some get it sooner, some get it later, but everyone who puts enough effort DOES get it. So don't dare to let it go when you know it's the real thing for you, and we always DO know that. Failing, finding another way, making mistakes are part of the success. Just do your thing until you get the flow.
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