BREAKING YOUR ADDICTION, part 1 - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Wednesday, 15 February 2017


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Dealing with addiction most times is a very difficult battle in our lives that might seem impossible to stop but definitely can be stopped. This monster addiction appears fun at first but at the other end is causing so much harm more than we can endure. It in most cases come in the form of smoking, alcohol, pornography, masturbation, internet, hard drugs, shopping, etc. Below are some of the tips to break that addiction that's always tormenting your life:

1.Write down the harmful effects of your addiction.
Image result for writing
  •     It might not feel good to acknowledge all the ways in which your addiction is harming you, but seeing the list on paper will help you resolve to stop as soon as possible. Take out a pen and a piece of paper and brainstorm a list that includes all the negative effects you've experienced since your addiction started.

  • Think about how your addiction has affected your physical health. Are you at greater risk for getting cancer, heart disease, or another illness as a result of your addiction? Maybe the addiction has already taken a noticeable physical toll.
  • List the ways in which it has hurt you mentally. Are you embarrassed about your addiction? In many cases addictions lead to shame and embarrassment, as well as depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional issues.
  • How has your addiction affected your relationships with other people? Does it prevent you from spending time with people you love, or having enough time to pursue new relationships?
  • Some addictions take a big financial toll. List the amount of money you have to spend feeding your addiction every day, week and month. Determine whether your addiction has affected your job.
  • What daily annoyances are caused by your addiction? For example, if you're a smoker, maybe you're tired of having to leave your office every time you need to light up.  
                                                                                                             to be continued...

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