Is that place just a STAGE or an ALTAR? | Sommy Increase' Blog - Sommy Increase' Blog

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Sunday, 11 February 2018


Is that place just a STAGE or an ALTAR? | Sommy Increase' Blog

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"We'll now call on stage a powerful music act to come and bless us with their signature song."
How often have we heard or said these very words or used terms to that effect in church circles? Are we really aware of what we are reinforcing into our psyche when we say that? Here are a few differences between a stage and an altar. I don’t know who the author is but it is worth reading for worship leaders, worship teams, choristers, church musicians, pastors, and ministers.

1. A stage is for performance; an altar is for worship.
2. A stage is for competition; an altar is for completion.
3. A stage is for personal applause; an altar is for God’s glory.
4. A stage is for wooing the frantic crowd; an altar is for serenading the King of kings.
5. A stage is for dishing out popular sentiments; an altar is for delivering heaven’s edicts.
6. A stage is for selfish ambition; an altar is for selfless sacrifice.
7. A stage is owned and manned by man; an altar is owned and supervised by a particular deity to whom it is erected and dedicated.
8. A stage is where everything must be perfect; an altar is where the imperfect are perfected.
9. A stage is where man ascends; an altar is where God descends.
10. A stage pushes professionalism; an altar stresses spirituality.
11. A stage is all about how to project the right image; an altar is concerned about how to mould character.
12. A stage is for fireworks display of human excellence, skill, and ingenuity; an altar is for the release of the divine purging fire of His holy presence.
13. A stage is where stars gloat over the camera’s glare; an altar is where sons lie prostrate, struck by heaven’s glory.
14. A stage is where a brilliant blaze of firecrackers illuminate the performer; an altar is where a bolt of heaven’s fire disfigures the worshipper.
15. A stage is where living beings are showcased; an altar is where dead beings are offered.
16. A stage is where artists pull out all the tricks of the trade to dazzle the crowd; an altar is where servants stay true to their call so as to let the congregants draw closer to Jesus.
17. A stage is where superstars hog the limelight; an altar is where everything pales into insignificance in light of the stunning bright Morning Star.

I believe this will help many churches rethink of what they’ve made their church altars into. 

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