Inasmuch as there seems to be
delay in marriages now it's not enough to accept what you are about accepting
Am not against people who read Bible in six months, one year
or more, but the truths remains no scripture can save until it's revealed to
the reader,
(I will handle this
Adam was the first to
experience marriage I learnt something about his single hood before he ventured
into marriage
While he was single,
yes he needed a company but he was wise to understand the
game plans.
God caused all the
animals to pass by him to see what Adam could call them while they were passing
he was naming them both the ugly and beautiful ones,
It even get to the
snake Adam called it a snake,
The lion came Adam called it by name,
After that,
God said non was Adams choice lol,
and he said not good for him to be alone.
Though Eve came late but special.
God caused a deep sleep and from the rib Eve came forth
As soon as Adam saw
Eve wow another animal,
he shouted the bone
of my bone the flesh of my flesh,
She shall be called a
Is true Adam was lonely but he never settled for less,
True women and men might be scars but I know who I am ,
I understand the scripture that called me a chosen
It's wise even if you don't know the exact thing you want
know what you don't want when you see one.
The problems of single people now is they see snake they
call it Darling, they know it's not but within them they think they can manage
how can you manage a serpent, Adam said in his heart I might
not know the exact thing I want but I know what I don't want, this animals
don't belong to mine class I can't settle for less
Don't pet a lion because one day he will eat you up
don't romance a snake
I know it won't work.
You are beaten always in that so called relationship yet you
are still there,
Somebody who has not paid your diary monitors and talks to
you without any single respect yet you are still comfortable,
He or she is being rude without a proper marriage right what
about when you guys finally marries?
If you understand the full revelation of who you are you
can't mess with your destiny all in the name of relationship.
When you are too fast you can get get hurt.
If you rush you rust.
If you must last you must call things according to what they
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