Benson and his wife don't sit next to each other during
Church services.
Even when going to Church services, they go in different
vehicles; and when they travel in the same car, it is usually a very quiet and
uncomfortable ride.
Benson sat at his usual spot in the Church service; the
fourth line on the far left row. His wife sat on the center row.
The Pastor took to the podium.
*"Husbands, stop wasting your time praying"* the
Pastor began.
The congregants got alarmed. No one expects to hear a pastor
saying prayer is a waste of time.
I am not here to discourage you to pray, but to encourage
you to pray right.
Husbands, stop wasting your time praying if you are not
treating your wives well.
You come to church driving your expensive cars, giving your
offerings and tithes, active in Church, some of you are Church leaders; but how
are you treating your wife?
You may look good to us Church members, but it is your wife
and children that know who you truly are" said the Pastor.
Benson turned to face his wife. She looked at him. Benson
could see her eyes.
Her left eye swollen from the blow he gave her last week
when she confronted him about his alcoholism, pornography use and mischievous
People couldn't tell she had a black eye because of the make
up she had on, so well done.
The Pastor continued, "People have perfected the art of
cover up. Here in Church, so many are hurting but you wouldn't know.
People come here wearing their nice clothes, shiny smiles,
they are active in ministry but hurting a lot in their marriage.
"We have become numb and plastic, brushing things under
the carpet. But today we shall heal; and shall address those wounds we
The Pastor cleared his throat and continued, "Many of
those who are hurting their spouses are using the church to hide.
They think that because they give offering s and tithes,
because they make public prayers, because they read the Word or because they
hold a Church leadership position that they are right with God. God is also
interested in what you do in your marriage and in your family.
The Word says that when you treat your wife badly, it
hinders your prayers. Men, you claim to be prayerful?
Hear this, "Your first ministry is your home. Stop
trying to blackmail God with your service in Church yet you are mean and
hurtful towards your spouse."
Many of the members of the congregation got restless and
The Pastor continued, "Many of those who are being hurt
by their spouse hide their pain and want to project an image that all is well
to validate that they are blessed and in control.
Some of you are active in Church to run away from the pain
in your marriages".
The congregation was silent. Some straightening their ties,
others fidgeting with their Bibles, adjusting their sitting position.
This pastor was preaching truth and it was uncomfortable.
The Pastor continued, "The husbands are not the only
ones guilty here... Wives, don't you know the Word says when your husband found
you he found good virtuous woman and you brought favour?
Then why are you the source of your husband's headache and
stress? Have you been so toxic that you have turned your prayerful husband into
a prayer-less one?
Do you make him regret marrying you because you bring more
complications than he had before marrying you?
How you treat your husband can be a stumbling block in his
walk with God or an environment that encourages growth.
Many of you wives married your individual husbands primarily
because of their relationship with God, so why are you now destroying their
relationship with God instead of celebrating and nurturing it?
Why are you being a burden to your husband emotionally,
spiritually, socially, sexually and financially instead of being one who brings
Benson's wife looked at her husband. Benson looked at her,
and she looked away.
The Pastor paused to drink his glass of water.
And he continued, "When I am thirsty, I drink a glass
of water.
When your spouse gets thirsty, will you allow God to use you
to bless your spouse?
You've been told many sermons that focus on you as an
individual, that God will make you prosper as an individual.
I am here to tell you your blessings are tied to people, you
are blessed to be a blessing to others. Our God is not an individualistic God.
Your blessing is tied to your marriage, your family. It's
not about you; it is about Jesus and Jesus is about love.
What good is it to prosper and be successful when you have
no love? It is all vanity.
God cares about your family, how you treat your spouse and
Silence. Silence. Silence...
"Yes, we pray. But what kind of prayers does your
spouse pray because of you?
When your spouse prays, is it largely to cry to God because
of the hurt you bring?
Is it to plead with God to change you from the monster
you've become?
Is it to plead for grace to deal with how difficult you are?
Or is to give thanks for you?"
Silence. Silence as grave yard
"Are you really prayerful? Do you really value prayer?
What is prayer?
Then why is it that many of you find it easy to come to us
pastors for us to pray with you as an individual, you find it is easy to pray
in public, in a Church service or Bible study, but find it so hard to pray with
your spouse?
Isn't that telling of what is going on in your marriage?
Don't you know that the more you pray with your spouse the stronger your
marriage will be?
But how can you find it easy to pray with a spouse you hurt
or who hurts you?"
The Pastor paused and looked at the congregation. Eyes
staring at him.
"I challenge you. I challenge you to pray with your
spouse and to treat your spouse well.
You must save your home, your marriage, your love!
Husbands, you are the head of the home. I challenge you to
stand up and go to where your wife is and pray with her as a start of a more
prayerful chapter in your marriage.
Don't do it because I asked you to but because you want to.
Your choice"
One by one, the husbands present stood up.
Benson stood up too.
Benson walked to where his wife was.
The face of Benson's wife overwhelmed with love, she looked
on as her husband walked to her.
She almost stood up but he gave hand gestures at her to stay
Benson reached where she sat. Their eyes met.
Benson knelt down. He stared at her then kissed her swollen
left eye.
"I am sorry" he said.
"Can I pray with you?" He asked.
She got up from her seat and knelt down too.
There, on the floor as the Church service was still ongoing,
husbands prayed with their wives.
Benson prayed kneeling with his wife.
They prayed for forgiveness, for thanksgiving, for love, for
renewal, for peace, for direction; for their marriage.
Marriages were healed.
If You have been blessed by this message please share. You
might just be saving a marriage at the verge of being broken.
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