Thorough Silence does not make a Gentleman, see what does... - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Thursday 8 June 2017

Thorough Silence does not make a Gentleman, see what does...

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Everyone believes keeping quiet or being silent is a good quality of a gentle man, contrary to that belief i say it's wrong. Yea i accept every correction, but i have my own reasons for saying so.

Most problems we face in the world today is not caused by the violence of bad men, but the silence of the good men. The bible said let your words be few, that means listen more and speak less. Speak when necessary, when things seem to be going wrong say something about it, you might be the person to save that situation.

Unlike talking much, keeping mute much too is wrong as it does more harm than good.

Keep your thoughts open at all times, that is a very good quality of a gentle man.

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