37 Undisputable Laws of Life - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Thursday 8 June 2017

37 Undisputable Laws of Life

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In the world where we live lies principles that guide the existence of humanity, and whenever anyone obeys these simple guidelines makes his existence with fellow humans an easier one. Below are a few African Proverbs that are applicable in every aspect of living.

1. "Never fight a man under GRACE,
because the GRACE he carries will

2 “No African girl will choose Six packs
over six Cars.. So my sons stop the
gym and work hard!"

3. “Beware of the naked man who offers
you clothes!"

4. “The death of a lion cannot be
announced by a goat”.

5. “When one’s goat get missing, the
aroma of a neighbor’s soup get

6. “The future belongs to the Risk takers,
Not the Comfort seekers!"

7. “The words of the elders do not lock
all the doors, they leave the right door

8. “A deaf husband and a blind wife are
always a happy couple!"

9. “Coca-Cola only sold 25 bottles the
first year but kept going. Never give

10. “Let not what you cannot do tear you
from what you can do”.

11. “A child who asks questions does not
become a fool”.

12. “The first person you think of in the
morning, or last person you think of
at night, is either the cause of your
happiness or your pain!"

13. “Be careful who you trust! Salt and
Sugar are both white!"

14. “To Make A Difference In Someone’s
Life, You Don’t Have To Be Brilliant,
Rich, Beautiful, Or Perfect. You Just
Have To Care!"

15. “Kindness is like butter, it works best
when you spread it around!"
“The walls don’t only have ears, they
now see!"

16. “The leopard is beautiful, but has a
bad heart!"

17. “Everybody is a Nobody, trying to be

18. “Fake hair, fake nails, fake eye lash,
artificial face, and sometimes, fake
behavior. Yet, a woman will say she
needs a real man!"

19. “Never open the door for an Armed
Robber. Let them break it, its part of
their Job!"

20. “Sometimes, you have to play the role
of a fool to fool the fools who thinks
they are fooling you!"

21. “One Man’s food is every other man’s
food. Just because one idiot refuses
to eat it doesn’t make it poison!"

22. “If you have a mom, there is nowhere
you are likely to go where a prayer
has not already been!"

23. “The only person that reads the terms

& conditions is the one who writes it!"

24. “The King who doesn’t know what to
say, says that his friend has said what
he would have said!"

25. “Just because you met them at the
church doesn’t mean they’re the ones,
Demons go to church too!"

26. “A foolish man tells a woman to stop
talking, but a wise man tells her that
her mouth is extremely beautiful,
when her lips are closed!"

27. “No matter how long the night, the
day is sure to come!"

28. “A woman’s greatest perfume is the
fragrance of her man’s success!"

29. “A wise person knows that there is
something to be learned from

30. “It requires wisdom to understand
wisdom. The music is nothing, if the
audience is deaf”!

31. “No matter how rich you are, you
cannot pay for your sins”!

32. “First they ignore you, then they laugh
at you, then they fight you, then you

33. “Give them a chair, if they can’t stand
your Success!"

34. “Be careful about the rumors you
hear about a lady. It either comes
from a man, who can’t have her, or a
lady who can’t compete with her”!

35. “If we must build Nigeria, then we
must put Nigeria first, and not politics,
not religion, not ethnicity or
sentiments, but development of

36. “None of us is as smart as all of us.
Work together achieve more”.

37. “Without a leader, black ants are

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