What is Attraction?
means to draw by moral, emotional or sexual influence; to engage or fix, as the
mind, attention, etc.; to invite or allure.
As a young man or young lady, many things are inviting, engaging and alluring to your mind.
Some aspire to be medical doctors, and are already playing with that future of theirs. You are already in a relationship that will not help you actualize that dream of yours. You can't wile away opportunities to study and still expect to actualize your dreams. Do you know that social media can also be an attraction that causes distraction?
Some aspire to be medical doctors, and are already playing with that future of theirs. You are already in a relationship that will not help you actualize that dream of yours. You can't wile away opportunities to study and still expect to actualize your dreams. Do you know that social media can also be an attraction that causes distraction?
How do expect to have a good result when social media, partying, movies, and every other form of entertainment has taken a greater part of your life. You are in a seminar and your phone tries as much as possible to deny you what you should have learn. What a pity.
Can you tell your self the truth, anytime you want to study your bible or books, you see self sleeping and dosing off.
work: ministry work if not careful can be another attraction that causes
Man of God, has the pulpit taken most of your personal time with God? You no longer has time for your bible studies. You no longer has time for your wife and children. Let me ask you, when last have you spend time with your children. When last have you map out time to study them, learn them, teach them, and know their friends.
Children must be studied. Their behavior must be studied. You must learn them and learn about their friends, but you have abandoned them to preach, admonish,counsel and teach others while your own are decaying.
of anointing; are you so much attracted to anointing that its now distracting
you. Remember, anointing is from God and everyone should desire it but don't
let it not distract you. Remember king saul, Samson and etc.
Not really criticizing anyone but the truth needs to be said, if in anyway you find yourself guilty of any of these do the following to correct your mistakes:
1. Get your priorities right.
2. Get back to God and make peace with him.
3. Take a decision never to go back again to those habits.
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