7.Start reducing your addictive habit.
Instead of quitting immediately, start by decreasing your use. For most people, this makes it easier to quit. Indulge less frequently, and gradually continue reducing it as your day to quit for good approaches. Many times stopping immediately might be a difficult challenge, but certainly there's a way to solve this problem and that is "If it can't be done once do it gradually". 99% of success was not achieved at once, it took some moments of failure and gradually overcoming the difficulties of failing over and over again. Imagine yourself driving in a car at a speed of 120 km/hr, and you intend stopping at a distance 100 meters away firstly you start reducing your speed gradually till finally coming to a halt. That's how it is in the case of stopping your addictions, you start reducing the times you engage in the act and finally come to a halt. (That's if stopping at once is a problem for you).
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