The curse of suffering and death had been brought
upon the Earth by Satan. In order to save the Earth, God would
have to retrieve it from Satan. His angel – Gabriel –
appeared before Mary & Joseph and announced to them that though Mary was a
virgin, she would miraculously bear a child who would be
the Messiah. Joseph &e Mary travelled to the town of Bethlehem where she
gave birth to Jesus, thus fulfilling the prophecy: 'Out of
Bethlehem will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel' Three wise men
arrived from the east, they had brought with them the choicest of gifts to present to the new-born king and they followed the eastern star that led
them to Bethlehem. There they found Jesus with Mary and Joseph and
fell on their knees and worshipped him.
![Image result for hd images of jesus on the cross](
Jesus grew up strong in faith and soon proclaimed that he
was the messiah His teaching was powerful and he performed
several miracles. He urged his followers to come to him and repent of their
sins and thus break the barrier between them and God. He claimed
anyone could call God their Father and enjoy an intimate personal relationship
with him if they only accepted his son - Jesus as their Christ (meaning Messiah or saviour). Jesus's growing popularity angered the Jewish
priests for they thought Jesus was disobeying the Jewish law by proclaiming
himself as the Son of God. Even though the Roman governor could not convict him
of anything at all, he sentenced him to death by crucifixion.
Thus was fulfilled what ancient prophets had foretold:
"He was despised and rejected by men." The night before his
arrest, Jesus assured his followers that though he would be put to a merciless
death, he would rise again after 3days and appear before them.
Jesus was nailed to a cross ✝ to die a slow, painful death of crucifixion. Thus
Jesus fulfilled what was written centuries ago, "He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our inequities." 3days after
Jesus died the entrance to the tomb was found open, and his body had
disappeared. Jesus had risen from the dead! Over the coming days, Jesus
appeared once again to all his followers and instructed them to go out into the
world and preach the wonderful message of how God had sent his only
son to suffer and die for the sins of the world and raised him from
the dead, thereby making the ultimate sacrifice that broke all barriers between us and God. This message was spread across the world and is known as
the 'gospel' or 'good news.'
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