I’ve seen Christians spend less than 10% of their prayer
time to praise God, another 10% to make peace with him, the rest is used to
bind village witches & enemies, most times they don’t even ask for the
power of God at all. This goes on from time to time and soon becomes a ritual
to the average Christian.
The fact
is, the power of God is the focal point of all we demand of him. When Jesus was
on earth, he never paid his apostles, he just gave them power, and when he was
leaving he never promised riches or wealth but more power. This is because the
man that has power need not to spend forever binding witches and enemies, the
devil knows a hot Christian and dares not to tamper with such a person. Jesus
has his power in him and that was why he never spent time binding and casting
demons, they leave even before he comes to sight, some even beg not to be cast
out but to walk away, others he rebukes with authority. This is the power not
magic, it can’t be bought neither can it be adultrated, it comes from just one
source and no one can do without it.
If Jesus has spent those 40 days
and nights binding witches and enemies (just like many would have done), what a
mess his ministry would have been. Those days were spent in fortification,
praying earnestly for the power of God to carry out the divine mission. Praying
against village witches and enemies is not a sin, but shouldn’t be prioritized
(you shouldn’t be that scared of them though).
Let’s praise the more, the heart of
the father is gladdened when we praise. Give as much praise as possible, like
though you’re about to be strapped dead. ‘The
Praiser is the Receiver’. Binding your village witches won’t solve the problem,
looking for and getting the power of God will solve any problem. Why not consider
this? Pray as led by the Holy Spirit: if you’re led by the Holy Spirit in the
place of prayer, protocols are broken. You might end up not asking for the
forgiveness of sin (no one comes to father with all sincerity and goes back
without getting purged of iniquity). You might not even ask as usual (for he
has said he knows our wants even before we ask), or even bind your village
witches (for he shall fight for us and we shall hold our peace).
The power should be earnestly
desired, that’s an authority we exercise over the devil and every follower of
Christ should have it. The power when received by faith, is maintained by
holiness. The devil won’t run away when;
You don’t know the value of what you carry.
When you are indirectly a candidate in his
When fear, doubt, sin, etc. is your daily
He is most scared when you truly stand on
the solid rock and possesses the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:
1-11) and God’s endorsed spiritual outfit (). Don’t be like some of the early
Christians who came back with complaints instead of testimonies, that demons
refused going out even when they called the name of Jesus. The devil knows
those who carry the mark of Christ, and that’s why he’ll ask those who don’t
carry it; “Paul I know, Peter I know, even Jesus I know, but who are you?”
Jesus said, “This type cannot go out except by prayer and fasting, take that
situation to God in fasting and prayer, keep that power received with fasting
and prayer. Above all, live like and epistle written by Christ and sent into
the world for his benefit.
Devil is powerful to the powerless, and is powerless to the powerful. The
choice is yours now. In everything, may the grace of God be abundant to you in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
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