Mamba Out: 8/24 Retired, Thank You Kobe - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Friday, 22 December 2017

Mamba Out: 8/24 Retired, Thank You Kobe

Image result for hd images of a Mamba Out: 8 24 Retired, Thank You Kobe

Nobody in the Lakers' future will get their hands on Jerseys 8 & 24. They're up on the rafters for the world to see and for the fans to remember, that what they had in Kobe was a 'Once in a Lifetime' player.

Words from his final address to the fans at the Staples center will echo throughout, and pave the way for the franchise for decades to come.

"I hope what I did inspires the future generations to come .. and so that the next 20 years are even better than the previous 20."

There's nothing the Franchise could do more, to give a fitting end to the Legacy that overshadowed the Lakers Franchise, the NBA and eventually, the World. Both his jerseys have done enough to earn a Hall of fame individually. But surprisingly, that was just one person and his name is Kobe Bryant. He won 3 rings wearing 8 & 2 more to complete a palm of 5 fingers wearing 24.

He did not fail to be humble even while brimming with emotions and dedicated it all to his wife Vanessa and his three lovely daughters Natalie, Bianka & Gianna.

An 18-time All-Star & a 4-time MVP, he had done all a basketball player could possibly achieve in a career and more. His legacy is one to be cherished & celebrated throughout the world.

"Mamba Out".

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