Couple therapy is a
means of resolving problems and conflicts that couples have not been able to handle
effectively on their own. It involves both partners sitting down with a trained
professional to discuss their thoughts and feelings.
Below are Ten Things everyone ought to know about Marriage Therapists:

1. I have no business giving relationship advice.
Divorce rates for baby
boomers have doubled in the past 20 years, with one in four couples over age 50
calling it quits by 2009, according to a study from Bowling Green State
University released earlier this summer. Although overall figures have fallen
in recent years, some estimates still put the divorce rate for all new
marriages at roughly 50%. But couples looking to stave off a split may want to
choose their expert help with care. Training and experience levels among
purveyors of marriage advice run the gamut from never-took-Psych-101 to
psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors and social workers can
all offer sessions for couples, as can licensed marriage and family therapists.
To earn the latter distinction, therapists are required by states to get at
least a master's degree in the discipline and a passing score on a national
licensing exam, followed by a set number of client hours -- from 1,500 hours in
New York to 3,000 in Texas -- under the supervision of another fully licensed
practitioner. But pretty much anyone can hang out a shingle as a marriage
coach, relationship adviser or other uniquely labeled provider of
"alternative marriage counseling" -- they just can't call the
services "therapy." License or no, experts say the risk for consumers
is that it's so easy to pick a provider who doesn't have the education or
skills to solve their problems.
A license provides a
baseline -- the client knows that the therapist has experience and education in
the field, which isn't guaranteed with unlicensed providers, says Chris Van
Deusen, a spokesman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, which
oversees licensing. It's no guarantee, however. Couples should ask about the
provider's overall qualifications, says Dr. Karen Ruskin, a Boston-based
licensed marriage therapist and clinical member of the American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy. For example, an unlicensed provider might well
have earned a psychology degree or completed training or certification courses
in relevant areas. Pastors and other religious leaders can get counseling
certifications or even qualify as a state-licensed pastoral therapist. Some
licensed professionals, on the other hand, may offer services to couples as a
side effort but lack marriage-specific training, she says. Plus, many of the
consumer complaints about marriage therapists that Texas receives each year are
linked back to therapists who are practicing despite having an expired license,
says Van Deusen. Most state departments of health services maintain a database
consumers can check to confirm a provider's licensing status, and to see any
complaints that have been logged against him or her.
2. You're not going to make it.
Dr. John Gottman, who
developed the Gottman Method of couples therapy and co-founded the Gottman
Relationship Institute that certifies therapists in the method, has another
claim to fame: He has said his studies in the field enable him to predict
within minutes of meeting a couple whether they will eventually divorce, with
better than 90% accuracy. Just don't expect Gottman (who wasn't available for
an interview) or any other therapist to tell you flat out, says Dr. Dave
Penner, a licensed clinical psychologist and the assistant clinical director at
the Gottman institute. "You don't say to a couple, 'Too bad, you've got
all the predictors of divorce,'" he says. That's not conducive to therapy,
which is about changing those behaviors, he says. (Of course, telling a couple
that their chances of resolution are nil would also mean they'd stop going to
-- and paying for -- counseling sessions. But therapists say hiding information
just to keep clients coming isn't ethical.) A 2005 Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology study found that five years after receiving eight months of
therapy, half of couples said their relationships had improved. A quarter were
divorced, and the remaining 25% were still having problems.
Couples may be able to
pick up a few cues, however. A practitioner might point out that a couple has
major challenges ahead, or is exhibiting some characteristics that can lead to
divorce, says Penner. Expect to be called out if you're obviously coming in
just to go through the motions, but not to attempt actual improvement, says Dr.
Lynda Doyle, a licensed marriage therapist in Yarmis, Maine. "You can tell
somebody's already checked out of the relationship," she says. "I'll
tell them they can do fake therapy for another five sessions if they want, or
try the real thing.
3. I like your partner better than I like you.
Over the course of
trying to resolve marital problems during the '90s, John Wilder of Midway, Ga.,
and his then-wife saw nine different marriage therapists. None of them helped,
says Wilder, who has a bachelor's degree in behavioral science and has since
trained as a marriage coach. His main gripe: He contends that because the
counselors didn't address problems equally, they did more harm than good.
It's not uncommon for
couples to feel like their practitioner is playing favorites, and that won't
help them solve any problems, says attorney Kenneth Altshuler, president of the
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and husband to marriage therapist
Doyle. (The two say they don't refer clients to each other.) It can also make a
divorce more acrimonious.
Therapists say that
most of the time, any imbalance is inadvertent. With two people sharing session
time, it's not easy for even an experienced counselor to split attention 50-50,
says Doyle. Or one person may be more comfortable with the therapist or the
style of therapy than their partner, leading to a sense of unfairness. The
couple's issues can also be more weighted toward one party -- say, if one has
committed adultery -- in a way that leads to a more imbalanced talk. Couples
shouldn't be shy about bringing up perceived favoritism during sessions, or
about asking for another referral if they feel balance isn't restored, says
4. I've got my own baggage.
Styles can vary widely among therapists, coaches and other
practitioners, and that's not something that's typically apparent by looking at
their listings in the phone book or on an insurer's website, says Dr. Arshad
Rahim, a vice president with physician data and review site Traditional counseling is primarily about solving the
problems, but there's also the relatively new field of "discernment
counseling" that has the specific aim of helping couples decide whether to
stay together or divorce. Some practitioners are more pro-marriage than others
too. The therapist's personal history may also have an influence, says
Altschuler. "I tell clients, you need to find out about the marriage
counselor," he says. "Is that person divorced, or going through a
divorce?"The best approach is a direct one: Ask them, preferably before
booking an appointment.
Most of the time,
though, the practitioner's approach isn't "wrong"; it's just not a
good fit for the couple -- which makes the sessions unlikely to be successful,
says Rahim. Even if the couple decides to go elsewhere after one session, their
bill can still amount to several hundred dollars. Ruskin suggests asking for a
free phone consultation before scheduling an appointment. "Ask them to
describe how they feel marriage problems are resolved," she says. Wilder
says many coaches also offer free in-person consultations or a money-back
guarantee if the couple feels the first paid session wasn't helpful.
5. Anything you say can be used against you -- in divorce court.
Something called "therapist-patient privilege"
typically keeps your mental health professional from divulging details of your
private sessions in a court of law or elsewhere. But that privilege applies to
one-on-one relationships, says Altschuler. "When a marriage counselor sees
two people, arguably there's no confidentiality, since there are three people
in the room," he says. State law on that point varies, and unlicensed
experts seeing couples often have less legal standing to claim that information
revealed during their sessions was privileged. (The American Association for
Marriage and Family Therapy's code of ethics requires therapists to disclose any
limits to clients' right of confidentiality.)
Most courts try to
keep marriage counselors out of the proceedings, though, unless they are
testifying to something serious, Altschuler says. Most of the cases where he's
seen a marriage therapist testify focused on admissions of abuse that were made
in session. It's more common that seeing a marriage counselor simplifies a
divorce, he says, by helping a client figure out what they want and how best to
6. You really should've come to me before you tied the knot.
Brent Goren, a
contractor, in Milford, Conn., has seen couples counselors on and off for the
past decade -- nearly every time he got serious with a new girlfriend. The
sessions served as a check, he says, to see if the early relationship problems
were fixable and to find ways to better work through them. "I'm of the
opinion that most of the people on this planet could use a little bit of
practice in how to communicate better," he says.
It's becoming more
common to see unmarried couples in the marriage counselors' client pool, says
Radia Amari, an industry analyst for IbisWorld. Along with other mental health
fields, marriage counselors have seen a drop in their client base in recent
years, because even as the ailing economy has increased suffering, it has
lessened consumers' ability to pay for therapy, she says. The declining
marriage rate hasn't helped. In 2010, 51% of adults were married, down from 72%
in 1960, according to the Pew Research Center. "Expanding to dating couples
totally makes sense, because as a therapist, you have to expand your patient
pools," Amari says -- although it's an expensive sounding board for
Therapists counter
that the couples are smart to come in early. "It's like medicine: The
earlier you can intervene, the better the outcome is likely to be," says
Penner. Studies show that couples typically wait six years from the time they
first encounter a relationship problem to decide to talk to a professional
about it, and unmarried couples that come in are heading off potential crises
before they're locked into marriage, he says.
7. This is going to hurt -- your wallet.
Hourly rates for a
marriage coach or therapist can top $200, and that entire fee may be
out-of-pocket. Insurers' policies vary widely. If marriage counseling is
covered, it's generally limited to licensed therapists in the insurer's
coverage network. Some restrict it further to psychologists and psychiatrists
that provide couples counseling. But getting the bill paid may not be as simple
as picking a counselor. Many plans -- including Medicare -- don't cover
marriage counseling unless a physician or clinical psychologist has diagnosed
one of the couple with a disorder than might benefit from counseling, says
Amari. Even if it is covered, insurers often have varying policies for handling
the bill. Some therapists charge just a copay; others expect patients to pay
the full fee up front and seek reimbursement on their own, says's Rahim. "Some providers assume it's not much of a
consideration" and don't mention their policies in advance, he says. The
common result: a surprise three-figure bill for the first visit.
But there are some
trends that are making couples counseling more affordable, Amari says. More
practitioners (licensed and not) have begun offering sliding-scale fees after
seeing a drop-off of patients who couldn't afford treatment during the
recession. It's not always advertised, and it's up to the client to ask about.
Plus, insurance companies are looking to provide more coverage for visiting a
licensed marriage therapist, she says -- they're often cheaper than sending
couples to a psychologist providing similar services, and the therapy tends to
take fewer sessions to complete.
8. I'll keep seeing you as long as you keep showing up.
According to the
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, couples undergoing
counseling have an average of 12 sessions -- one fewer than the average for an
individual who attends therapy sessions. But the group also found that 66% of
clients undergoing marriage counseling have up to 20 sessions, and another 20%
schedule between 20 and 50. (In comparison, a slimmer 11% of individuals
receiving psychotherapy have more than 20 sessions, according to a 2010
American Journal of Psychiatry study.) That could make the out-of-pocket tab
bigger than consumers expect.
Therapists say they
can't put a number on how many sessions it'll take to resolve a problem when
the couple comes in. "It could go for a few weeks, or a year or two if the
issues are complex or deep," says Penner. But he says a good therapist will
help the couple set goals for resolving issues over time, and scale back
sessions so that eventually all they might need is a check-in every six months.
Couples shouldn't be shy about asking for an evaluation of their goals and
progress after a few sessions, either, to better determine how many more they
might need.
9. Got an urgent emotional issue? I can fit you in next January.
In the new movie "Hope Springs," Kay (played by Meryl
Streep) convinces her husband Arnold (Tommy Lee Jones) that the only way to
save their 31-year marriage is to head to Maine for a week of intensive couples
therapy with self-help guru and marriage counselor Dr. Bernard Feld (Steve
Carell). Lucky them -- experts say that real-world couples are lucky to get an
hour a week to hash out their issues with an expert. Clients say sessions are
difficult to schedule, says Cheryl Reed, a spokeswoman for review site Angie's List.
Complaints there often note that the practitioner runs late but still ends the
session on time -- resulting in a shorter session for the money, she says, and
that makes clients feel like they aren't a priority. "We see from poorly
graded reports a common theme of the marriage therapist not being as engaged as
the client would like," she says.
An unresponsive
therapist or one that can't fit you in for regular appointments is
unacceptable, says Ruskin. Consumers should expect that a good practitioner
will respond to questions or calls within 24 hours, and have enough availability
that they can fit you in within a week. Couples looking for a more intensive
experience might ask about scheduling appointments that are longer than the
standard one-hour time slot, too, says Wilder. "In an hour, you can't
always get much done," he says, "but in a four-hour session, there's
a lot that can be accomplished." That might also mean that couples need to
pay for fewer sessions.
10. Don't leave me alone with your spouse.
Despite the name
"couples counseling," it's not uncommon for a practitioner to
schedule a few separate sessions for each person, or to take on one partner as
an individual client as well. In reviews, however, couples often complain that
the split sessions made them feel like the therapist picked a side, says Reed.
It's even a contentious issue among practitioners, many of whom say it's a bad
idea that can make the couple's therapy ineffective. "Your client is the
couple," says Ruskin. Details divulged during individual sessions are
almost always confidential, and that can put a practitioner in a tough
position. For example, says Doyle, a client once stepped out in the waiting
room to make a phone call, and her spouse used that opportunity to confess to
having anonymous sexual encounters. Doyle couldn't say a word about it to his wife.
"You become the secret keeper," she says. "You have to wait
until they bring that issue up in the couples session -- and what if they
But some experts say
it's better for the couple that the same therapist sees them together and
individually, rather than bringing another practitioner into the mix, says
Penner. "That other therapist may not be relationship-friendly, and may
emphasize individual rights that could undermine couples therapy," he
says. Either way, couples should approach split sessions with caution and with
the understanding that relationship issues will only be discussed in the couple
sessions, he says.
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