THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Wednesday 7 June 2017


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          There's one and only supreme ruler who governs the entire Universes, he is Yahushua your Elohim, besides him there's no other! Satan your archenemy, is just a powerless and rebellious angel who was defeated by Jah’s Archangel and Army commander by name Angel Gabriel with his host including Angel Michael and Raphael. 

          “Genesis 1:27 so Jah the Creator made man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” this means man is supreme over the devil and its agents! Therefore stop giving the devil power by engorging in sin or praising his name in any manner, shape or form “Exodus 20:3 you shall not have any other god before the Most High”, it’s only when you give Satan power that’s when he can build on it to work against you, don’t pity satan either cause it’s priority is going to and fro the surface of the earth looking for the weak souls to afflict and destroy “John 10:10 For the evil one (sataniel) comes only to steal, kill and destroy; but Yahweh your Adonai came that you may have life and have it in all its fullness”. The end time is near but it’s not coming the way the human mind expects or imagine it. “Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father”. Brethren be strong in Jah the Almighty he will surely see you through!


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