Every year Christians celebrate the Passover which is a celebration given by God in the Bible to be a reminder of how he delivered them out of the house of bondage, which is to be an eternal celebration on the 14th day of every Biblical new month(mid march/april). When King Pharoah refused letting the Israelites go, God gave him 10 different plagues to show him his might. Could any of these plagues have occurred through natural phenomena? Live Science looks at possible scientific explanations behind each of the 10 plagues.
1. Blood

To unleash the first plague upon the Egyptians, Moses struck
the river Nile with his staff, turning its waters to blood. At the same time,
his brother Aaron performed an identical transformation in the canals,
tributaries, ponds and pools throughout Egypt.
After the water turned to blood, "thefish in the Nile
died, and the Nile stank, so that the Egyptians could not drink
water," according to the Bible, Exodus chapter 7, verse 21, English
Standard version.
The sudden appearance of red-hued waters in the Nile could
have been caused by a red algae bloom, which appears when certain conditions
enable a type of microscopic algae to reproduce in such great numbers that the
waters they live in appear to be stained a bloody red.
This phenomenon is known as "red tide" when
it happens in oceans, but red algae are also well-represented in freshwater
ecosystems. And these algae blooms can certainly be harmful to wildlife, as the
algae contain a toxin that can accumulate in shellfish and poison the animals
that feed on them. Fumes from densely-concentrated algae blooms can also
disperse toxins in the air, causing breathing problems in people that live
2. Frogs
What do you do next, after turning a nation's water supply
into blood? If you're following Moses' playbook, you inundate them with frogs.
For the second plague, Moses allegedly conjured vast
quantities of frogs that swarmed into people's homes — even finding their way
into the Egyptians' beds, ovens and cookware.
As it happens, the phenomenon of "raining frogs"
has been reported multiple times throughout history and in a range of locations
around the world. A report published July 12, 1873 in Scientific American
described "a shower of frogs which darkened the air and covered the ground
for a long distance," following a recent rainstorm. The account was one of
dozens of similar anecdotes collected in "The Book of the Damned"
(1919), though its somewhat skeptical author suggested that the frogs may have
simply dropped from trees.
And in May 2010 in Greece, thousands of frogs emerged from a
lake in the northern part of the country, likely in search of food, and
disrupted traffic for days, CBS News reported.
3. Lice

The third plague, lice, could mean either lice, fleas or
gnats based on the Hebrew word (Keenim). If a toxic algal bloom led to the
first plague, and a pile of dead frogs followed, it's not surprising that a
swarm of insects of some sort would have followed. That's because frogs
typically eat insects; without them, the fly population could have exploded,
Stephan Pflugmacher, a climatologist Leibniz Institute for Water Ecology and
Inland Fisheries in Berlin, said in a television special about the plagues that
aired on the National Geographic Channel in 2010. Interestingly, both body lice
and fleas can theoretically transmit the bacteria Yersinia
pestis, which causes bubonic plague, according to a 2010 study published
in the journal Emerging
Infectious Diseases. If so, then an infestation with lice could have set
the stage for the later plagues, such as boils, a 2008 review of plague
science found. Scientists have also argued that the sickness that killed
the beasts of the field for Egyptians in later plagues might have been
Bluetongue or African horse sickness, both of which can be spread by insects
from this plague, according to a 2008 Yale Journal
of Biology and Medicine.
4. Wild
The fourth plague of Egypt was of creatures capable of harming people and livestock. The Torah emphasizes that the ‘arob (×¢ָרוֹב, meaning "mixture" or "swarm") only came against the Egyptians, and that it did not affect the Land of Goshen (where the Israelites lived). Pharaoh asked Moses to remove this plague and promised to allow the Israelites' freedom. However, after the plague was gone, the LORD "hardened Pharaoh's heart", and he refused to keep his promise.
The word ‘arob has caused a difference of opinion among traditional interpreters. The root meaning is (×¢.ר.ב), meaning a mixture - implying a diversity, array, or assortment of harmful animals. While Jewish interpreters understand the plague as "wild animals" (most likely scorpions, venomous snakes, and other venomous arthropods and reptiles),Gesenius along with many Christian interpreters understand the plague as a swarm of flies. However, according to a 1996 study published in the journal Caduceus, which attempts to explain the plagues as epidemiological problems caused by an initial climate disturbance, J.S. Marr and C.D. Malloy argue that the fourth plague represents a swarm of flies such as the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). Bites from these flies could have led to the boils that occurred later on in the story, according to that study.
5. Diseased
The fifth plague called down on Egypt was a mysterious and
highly contagious disease that swiftly killed off the Egyptians' livestock.
This biblical scourge is reminiscent of a real plague known as rinderpest, an
infectious and lethal viral disease that decimated populations of cattle and
other ruminants across Africa and Europe from the 18th through the late 19th
Rinderpest was caused by a virus in the same family as
canine distemper and measles; infected animals developed a high fever, diarrhea
and ulcers in their mouths and noses, according to a manual
diagnosing rinderpest, produced by the Food and Agriculture Association of
the United Nations.
The disease is thought to have originated in Asia, and
traveled to Egypt 5,000 years ago along prehistoric trading routes, the New
York Times reported in
2010. Its mortality rate was exceptionally high, often exceeding 80 percent. It
killed an estimated 200 million cattle in the 18th century, according to a
study published in the journal Medical
History in 1997, and when rinderpest emerged in Africa in the 19th
century, it killed 5.2 million cattle, causing one-third of the population of
Ethiopia to die of starvation, a study published in the journal Science reported
in 2008.
Rinderpest was last diagnosed in Kenya in 2001, and was
declared completely eradicated in 2010, according to the New York Times.
6. Boils
Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Take handfuls of soot from a furnace and have Moses toss it into the air in the presence of Pharaoh. It will become fine dust over the whole land of Egypt, and festering boils will break out on men and animals throughout the land."
— Exodus 9:8–9
7. Fiery
The seventh plague brought a heavy hail accompanied by
thunder and streaming fire. The chaotic weather struck down people, livestock
and trees, although the area of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, was spared,
according to the book "Tanakh, A New Translation of The Holy
Scriptures" (The Jewish Publication Society, 1985).
A nearby volcanic eruption about 3,500 years ago on Santorini, an island north of Crete in the Aegean Sea, may explain this plague, as well as others. It's possible that the volcanic ash mixed with thunderstorms above Egypt, leading to a dramatic hailstorm, Nadine von Blohm, from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics in Germany, told the Telegraph.
A nearby volcanic eruption about 3,500 years ago on Santorini, an island north of Crete in the Aegean Sea, may explain this plague, as well as others. It's possible that the volcanic ash mixed with thunderstorms above Egypt, leading to a dramatic hailstorm, Nadine von Blohm, from the Institute for Atmospheric Physics in Germany, told the Telegraph.
8. Locusts

When the Pharaoh once again refuses to let the Jewish people
go, hungry locusts descend as the eighth plague. Moses warns the Pharaoh:
"They shall cover the surface of the land, so that no one will be able to
see the land." Such a pestilence would devour all the remaining plants
that the hail did not destroy, Moses said, according to the
The volcanic eruption on Santorini may have created favorable conditions for the locusts, said Siro Trevisanato, a Canadian molecular biologist and author of "The Plagues of Egypt: Archaeology, History and Science Look at the Bible" (Gorgias Press, 2005).
"The ash fallout caused weather anomalies, which translates into higher precipitations, higher humidity," Trevisanato told the Telegraph. "And that's exactly what fosters the presence of the locusts."
The volcanic eruption on Santorini may have created favorable conditions for the locusts, said Siro Trevisanato, a Canadian molecular biologist and author of "The Plagues of Egypt: Archaeology, History and Science Look at the Bible" (Gorgias Press, 2005).
"The ash fallout caused weather anomalies, which translates into higher precipitations, higher humidity," Trevisanato told the Telegraph. "And that's exactly what fosters the presence of the locusts."
9. Darkness

The plague of darkness may have been a solar eclipse or a
cloud of volcanic ash, scholars say.
According to the Old Testament, a darkness so thick that
"people could not see one another" descended on Egypt for three days.
However, the "Israelites enjoyed light in their dwellings," according
to the book "Tanakh, A New Translation of The Holy Scriptures" (The
Jewish Publication Society, 1985).
Perhaps the darkness coincided with an eclipse on March 5,
1223 B.C. — you can see
the path here on NASA's website — according to a
study written by Iurii Mosenkis, an archaeoastronomy researcher who lives
in the Ukraine. However, the fact that Israelites had light in their homes
might mean "lights out" for the eclipse hypothesis, as it doesn't
make scientific sense why some people, but not others could overcome the
Another idea is that a volcanic eruption about 3,500 years
ago on Santorini, an island north of Crete in the Aegean Sea, spewed ash that
caused the darkness, according
a to National Geographic special, as reported by the Telegraph. However,
the eruption happened about 500 miles (800 kilometers) from Egypt and before
the exodus event, according
to the Christian Courier.
10. Killing
of the firstborn

In the 10th, and last plague, Moses tells the Pharaoh that
all the firstborns in the land of Egypt would perish.
Perhaps, the algal bloom that turned the rivers blood red
released mycotoxins, poisonous substances that can cause disease and death in
humans, according to a 2003 review in the journal Clinical
Microbiology Reviews. Grain contaminated with these mycotoxins could have
been deadly, and could explain the death of the firstborn children, said
epidemiologist John Marr, who was the chief epidemiologist at the New York City
Department of Health, as
reported by Slate.
The firstborn might have been the first to pick the grain,
and thus would have fallen victim to it first as well, according to the
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