Do you know you can live the life of your dreams without stress?
Do you believe making money is not really difficult as you think?
Do you believe in easy life?
Making money, having a happier life, living a stress free life,
etc. all of these can never be complete if you are working for a man like u.
Who's either using u to actualize his dreams or paying u far less than you are
worth. A passive income is what has been the secret of the world's richest men.
It is not stressful, it is not money
demanding, it is not burdensome, all it requires is a donation of $40(6,600
Naira) to help the poor & needy out there, and also a referral of two
people that also want to make wealth even while they sleep like you do. Join
the greatest empowerment opportunity and poverty alleviation program ever
created and get paid for life.
In this era of economic meltdown,
even while working invest because no one knows tomorrow. I don't pray u lose
your job, but what if you do? Embrace this opportunity that pays you for life
and will also enable you help others around you. Helping
Hands International is a love story that was birthed many years ago in the
Angels City of the Philippines.
It all began with a woman called Luzvininda MacElvis.
She was a woman with a turbulent upbringing, life was tough for her until God sent her a helper.
Once she was helped and become successful, she vowed to reach out the same hand of help to orphans, widows, the poor and every one in need. The desire and passion to help others made her to start a modest foundation called Helping Hands. She began to reach out in love to all those in need. With time she began to get support from others who saw her charity work as a noble cause that should be supported.
Then came the year 2010 when Luzviminda met Dr.Ramiel Policarpio
Dr. Ramiel Policarpio is a dentist from Japan with experience in multi-level marketing. He became the Co-founder of Helping Hands and along with the Founder and CEO Luzviminda they took the Helping Hands foundation to the next level for 3 years. They reached out to more people with the love of God through humanitarian services.
But Luzviminda MacElvis was not satisfied. She had a bigger dream: to take her passion for humanitarian service to every part of the world. But to do this required very huge fund. The only way to pull fund together for such gargantuan dimension of humanitarian service, was to ask for charity donation of $40 for potential help partners across the globe. It was on the basis of this that networking dimension of helping hands International was birthed. The goal in this direction was to leverage on people to harness a global pull of fund for charity work in every part of the world but especially in less developed countries of ravaged by economic hardship such as lack, hunger, starvation, deprivation, poverty etc.
Sometimes around June 2013, Ramiel Policarpio was in Abuja for a health conference. There he met Dr. Timothy Ejiro Odeghe an Optometrist and a graduate of the University of Benin. They had useful discussion on the vision of helping hand. Series of discussion flowed between the quartet of Dr. Timothy, Dr. Ramiel and Madam Luzviminda which eventually laid the groundwork for what is today known as Helping Hands International, an NGO and a global humanitarian organizations that is committed to touching lives and empowering people. Helping Hands International was launched on the global stage with a dedicated websitewww.helpinghandsinternational.biz on 3rd December, 2013 with a pre- launch in Lagos, Nigeria.
To pull together a global fund for humanitarian service, this unique NGOs called Helping Hands International or H2i solicit for help partners who will make a donation of $40 for charity work and go on to recommend others to do the same for the purpose of making available more funds for humanitarian services and for doing that, help partners are given various incentives in the form of :
* referral bonus
* matrix bonus
* matching bonus
* laptops and car incentives
* housing funds
* international trip
* scholarship fund
* empowerment services etc.
It all began with a woman called Luzvininda MacElvis.
She was a woman with a turbulent upbringing, life was tough for her until God sent her a helper.
Once she was helped and become successful, she vowed to reach out the same hand of help to orphans, widows, the poor and every one in need. The desire and passion to help others made her to start a modest foundation called Helping Hands. She began to reach out in love to all those in need. With time she began to get support from others who saw her charity work as a noble cause that should be supported.
Then came the year 2010 when Luzviminda met Dr.Ramiel Policarpio
Dr. Ramiel Policarpio is a dentist from Japan with experience in multi-level marketing. He became the Co-founder of Helping Hands and along with the Founder and CEO Luzviminda they took the Helping Hands foundation to the next level for 3 years. They reached out to more people with the love of God through humanitarian services.
But Luzviminda MacElvis was not satisfied. She had a bigger dream: to take her passion for humanitarian service to every part of the world. But to do this required very huge fund. The only way to pull fund together for such gargantuan dimension of humanitarian service, was to ask for charity donation of $40 for potential help partners across the globe. It was on the basis of this that networking dimension of helping hands International was birthed. The goal in this direction was to leverage on people to harness a global pull of fund for charity work in every part of the world but especially in less developed countries of ravaged by economic hardship such as lack, hunger, starvation, deprivation, poverty etc.
Sometimes around June 2013, Ramiel Policarpio was in Abuja for a health conference. There he met Dr. Timothy Ejiro Odeghe an Optometrist and a graduate of the University of Benin. They had useful discussion on the vision of helping hand. Series of discussion flowed between the quartet of Dr. Timothy, Dr. Ramiel and Madam Luzviminda which eventually laid the groundwork for what is today known as Helping Hands International, an NGO and a global humanitarian organizations that is committed to touching lives and empowering people. Helping Hands International was launched on the global stage with a dedicated websitewww.helpinghandsinternational.biz on 3rd December, 2013 with a pre- launch in Lagos, Nigeria.
To pull together a global fund for humanitarian service, this unique NGOs called Helping Hands International or H2i solicit for help partners who will make a donation of $40 for charity work and go on to recommend others to do the same for the purpose of making available more funds for humanitarian services and for doing that, help partners are given various incentives in the form of :
* referral bonus
* matrix bonus
* matching bonus
* laptops and car incentives
* housing funds
* international trip
* scholarship fund
* empowerment services etc.

There are 5 bouquet services offered by H2i. These includes:
1. Humanitarian service
2. Trade and skill acquisition
3. Asset and property support services
4. Financial Empowerment
5. Scholarship award service.
Beyond creating opportunity for her help partners to have access to passive/ residual sources of income, Helping Hands International or H2i is committed to developing the capacities of her members through a robust trade and skill acquisition service that empower her members to become self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-fulfilled and self-actualized through trainings in such skills areas as
* website design/development
* computer graphic design
* high quality detergent production (liquid soap and car wash)
* paint production
* fish and poultry farming
* bead making
* hat making
* car tracking technology
Helping Hands International is different from other MLM in terms of scope, orientation and vision...
*H2i is not the conventional network marketing company where products are sold and profit is made for both shareholders and distributors. Here we don't sell product.
* H2i is not a pyramid system with only few people at the top. In H2i the pyramid is turned upside down to allow for everyone to be at the top.
* H2i operates a system that allows for her partners to enjoy spill over and spill under benefits which is absent among other players in the industry.
* One of the unique selling point that makes H2i distinct and different is her touch of humanity which is a part of God's heartbeat for humanity as captured in the Holy book in the 16th verse of John chapter 3 ....For God so love... and he gave...The spirit of giving is a product of love, H2i gives, she touches people with empathy, she does the will of God, she serves humanity through her humanitarian services as service to humanity is the greatest works of life.
Every help partner is mandated to get at least 2 help partners who have to donate N6, 600 and also get at least two others who will do the same with each duplicating themselves with a minimum of person's each.
There are 6 stages involved:
Stage 1(Associate Member) where one is required to build a 2x2 matrix with 6 persons to move to stage 2. The maximum earnings in stage 1 is 58 dollars.
Stage 2 (Master Member) is a 2x 5 matrix with minimum earnings of 1000 dollars and a laptop/ipad.
Stage 3 (Super master) is a 2x5 matrix with minimum earnings of 3000 dollars, a brand new Hyundai Elantra + empowerment of 2000 dollars for 2 persons recommended by you.
Stage 4 (Minister) is a 2x5 matrix with a minimum earnings of 6000 dollars, a brand new iX35 Hyundai jeep or GAC jeep, an asset and property support loan up to 12000 dollars, orphanage home empowerment etc
Stage 5 (Prime Minister) is a 2X2 matrix with minimum earnings of 12000 dollars, housing fund of 40000 dollars, an elite club membership loan of 44000 dollars, a yearly infinity bonus of 5000 dollars,children education fund of 2000 dollars and an all expense paid International trip
Stage 6 (Trustee) a 2x3 matrix with potential earnings of up to 100,000 dollars, a yearly International trip etc...
Welcome to a global financial opportunity.
Welcome to real wealth with a touch of humanity.
Check out our site @ www.helpinghandsinternational.biz
Yours For Success
Increase Chisom
Contact me on +234 8134437437 for easy and fast registration
Contact me on +234 8134437437 for easy and fast registration
Whatsapp: 08134437437
Facebook: Increase Ukoha
For more info visit https://www.helpinghandsinternational.biz/how-it-works.php
#H2i rocks...
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