The Hidden Woman Value... - Sommy Increase' Blog


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Sunday, 15 October 2017

The Hidden Woman Value...

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Dear Ladies,

The strength of a woman is not determined by how well she can twist her pelvis or by the thickness of her hymen. I will like to think that it has more to do with the soundness of her mind.
While you owe it to your conscience to keep your legs closed to perverts, you owe your generation a greater responsibility to have a mind open to learning and growth.
Sweetheart, it takes less than a minute and any dummy to break a hymen but I dare say, kings and nobles will bend the knee to a sound mind full of creative ideas and innovations.
Your true worth isn't in the amount of male traffic between your thighs but the amount of positivity and creativity emanating from your mind making the world a better place.
Let history remember you not by how many men you made to moan and scream but by lives you blessed and touched with your creative ingenuity.

Stay pure.
Stay chaste

But above all, reach to the depth of your soul and let the beauty within spring forth like a fountain till you become the best woman the world has EVER seen.

(By Nzubechi-Bliss)

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